Tuesday 17 November 2009

Tuesday 17th November 2009

The weather is kind, so I go for a cycle ride.

I ring my brother-in-law (Phil), but he is busy fixing coving in one of his rooms, so it is a lone trip.

I have been examining the OS Map, and decide to explore a track running parallel to the A194M, which I was unaware of. I make my way there via a route which is described as the "Great North Forest Route" on the map, but I do not see many trees!, perhaps in 25 years time. Sure enough the track is there, it runs along the edge of the Washington Golf course, it is a "permissive footpath", and is barely passable on a bicycle, but I manage it. Then return home via a circular route which takes me from Springwell Village, to the old Bowes Railway. As is usual on the old Bowes Railway track, I encounter several dog walkers, they all keep their dogs under control to allow me to pass safely. This is a record, and I acknowledge each with a "Good Morning" and a "Thank you". A 15 mile spin in about two hours and it does not rain, great fun, and there are not too many complaints (from the boss) about my mud spattered state.

The evening news is amusing, our government telling the recently elected President Karzai of Afghanistan he must tackle corruption in his government, this, after the recent revelations of our MP's expenses, talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

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