Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tuesday 1st December 2009

What a freezing cold night we have had!, this morning everything is covered in a thick frost, looks like winter has arrived.

Not daunted by the weather, I go cycling with my brother-in-law (Phil). We go through the Tyne Pedestrian Tunnel and along the riverside towards Newcastle. Stopping to admire the new lock at the Ouseburn where it joins the Tyne. We are lucky enough to see a small boat actually going through the lock, what excitement. After that we make our way to Jesmond Dene, and then circle back to the Quayside where we enjoy a warming cup of coffee. Additional drama unfolds when Phil's pedal falls off. Luckily he has tools with him, but clearly something is wrong, since we have to stop about every mile to re-tighten it.

I return home to find my model wife has prepared me warming soup, followed by a delicious meal, what a star.

Reading the local news on the BBC website, I note the Port of Tyne has won a £16million contract to tranship 1.4million tonnes of "biomass" for the Drax Power station, for the uninitiated "biomass" is weasel speak for animal and plant waste, I wonder where this stinking pile of rubbish is to be stored?

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