Sunday 14 August 2011

Sunday 14th August 2011

I have been a bit, well completely, out of touch on the blog, since I came back from my Campervan trip.

My only excuse, not a very good one, is that I have been busy doing my motorcycle driving lessons.

Today, went cycling with Kathleen on her new bicycle.

All very uneventful, we cycled to Whitburn, then through Sunderland to Dana's house. Arrived to find that Dana, Martin etc are out at the coast, but we are ably looked after by Emily, Lauren and Lauren's friend Nadine.

We head back, not so good now, a big black cloud has appeared, we are going to get wet. We make it to the Queen Alexandra Bridge, at which point, it begins to pour with rain.

We shelter in a bus shelter until it "brightens up" and is only raining quite heavily, before we cross the bridge and wend our way home by the shortest route we can work out.

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