Thursday 22 July 2010

July 21st - July 22nd 2010

During our recent Campervan trip to Germany, we became aware of a little known (to us Brits), German tradition of watching a short British comedy sketch every New Years Eve.

The sketch is called "Dinner for One".

According to Wikipedia (so it must be true), the original was written by British author Lauri Wylie, and in the 1960's version starred Freddie Frinton and May Warden, as James (the servant) and Lady Sophie.

Quite why this particular sketch has such a cult following, we could not figure out, but the catch phrase "same procedure as last year, same procedure as every year", seemed to be known to every German we met.

See it below, see if you can figure out why they love it:

See Wikipedia information and there is even a BBC explanation.

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