Friday 30 July 2010

July 29th 2010 - July 30th 2010

Thursday, for the first time since returning from our Campervan trip, I get back into the routine of attending the group cycling session.

It is exceptionally well attended, in fact I think it is the biggest group I have seen in over four years. A couple of the familiar faces, and lots of new faces.

After several weeks without rain, it rains, typical isn't it?

In the evening, we go to a new (to us anyway) restaurant in Whitburn. It is above the Jolly Sailor pub (Mama Mia, so as you may guess it is an Italian theme). It is clearly the trend for pubs to be converting part of their premises into Restaurants, another result of the smoking ban I would suspect.

Anyway, food was good, but it lacks that elusive quality "atmosphere", it still feels like you are sitting in a pub (which of course you are), not a place for couples in my opinion. The staff are clearly trying very hard, but sadly I do not think we will be regular customers.

We have tried another one of these "conversions", in West Boldon, it does not work very well there either.

A couple of days ago, Kathleen bought a cake tin, with the intention of making (I believe), a German Apple Cake. This is part of a trend which started when we were away in the campervan, and a new found enthusiasm for cooking emerged.

I am not complaining, it just that it has taken about 24 years for this to happen.

Today I notice, the cake tin is still lying on the work-top, in the carrier bag it was brought home in. At this rate of progress, it will take another 24 years, and I am not sure I have that long.

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