Friday 7 January 2011

Black Cloud

January is a depressing month.

Weather is cold, damp and miserable.

I had hoped to return to the cycling group today, but it was cancelled because of the weather, bitterly cold with a heavy frost, most of the snow has gone however.

The news is full of the price of petrol (and deisel). Good old "call me Dave" Cameron is suggesting a "Price Stabiliser" to even out movements in the oil price. Just goes to show how much he knows, the current increase in price has virtually nothing to do with the price of oil, it is almost all inceases in Tax (levied of course to pay for the wasters like the one described below).

Former worlds fattest man Paul Mason to sue NHS over weight-gain 

Not content with eating himself into this state at our expense....

Mr Mason's care bill cost taxpayers an estimated £100,000 a year and is believed to have topped £1million over the past 15 years.

He now wants to blame us for it and extract even more money from the public purse.

Anyone thinking this tub of lard will now be working and supporting himself (and family if he has one) after our £1million investment in his well being?, no I doubt it.

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