Tuesday 11 January 2011

Wicked Coalition and the Council Cuts

You may or may not know it, but as from the end of January 2011, Local Authorities are required to publish details of all expenditure exceeding £500.

My Local Authority (South Tyneside), have a "funding gap" of £35million, so I thought I might help them out by looking through their expenditure to see if I could spot any savings.

Yesterday, it was raining, and I was bored, so I checked South Tyneside Council's website, to see if they had complied yet, and supplied a list.

No they had not, so I EMailed my local Councillor to ask how and when they intended to comply. She passed my EMail on the the Council's Legal Department, and I recieved a very nice reply from:

Andrew Wainwright

Corporate Risk and Resilience Manager
South Tyneside Council

Now I ask you what the hell is a "Corporate Risk and Resilience Manager"?

But wait, try a Google Search on "Corporate Risk and Resilience Manager", and you will find they are as common as muck, EVERYONE has one.

It appears, that among other things, they produce useful information , like this, how to walk when it is slippery.

Silly me, I thought my Local Authority were just there to empty the bins, clean the streets, maybe do a bit of Planning Control etc.

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