Friday 3 February 2012

Silver Wedding Celebration 31st January 2012

It is our 25th Wedding Anniverary on 31st January.

The original plan is a short break in Bruges, but eventually we opt to return to Keswick, where we spent our Honeymoon.

We left on Monday 30th January.

The weather is not brilliant as we drive via the Hartside Fell.

Cold and a bit murky on the east side of the Pennines.

But, it begins to brighten as we head west, by the time we join the A66 after Penrith, the cloud is breaking and there is sun on the snow capped hills.

It could be Switzerland, but, it is the English Lake District.

The apartment we have rented is just perfect, warm and cosy, near the town, but tucked away with a view over the river Greta.

This is the view from the living room window.

By the time we have unpacked, it is too late for a "serious" walking experience.

We settle for a little circuit along the shore of Derwent Water.

Past the Theatre by the lake, and a little diversion through Hope Park, for this view of the snow covered hills, before heading past the boat landings.

Here there are always lots of ducks and geese, waiting for passers by to supplement their diet with bread and scraps.

Soon, we leave the "town strollers" behind, and head for Friars Crag, this must be one of the most photographed places in the Lake District, but today, we have it to ourselves, except for the odd dog walker.

We head along the shore, it is flat and open, easy walking, so a good introduction to the next few days.

Through a small wooded area, to join up with a path heading back toward Keswick, where we (well, I) undo the good work with coffee and Malt Loaf, in the Skiddaw Hotel, in the Market Square, Kathleen is her usual restrained self and just has the coffee.

On Tuesday, the actual day of our anniversary, it begins overcast and damp, as well as cold. The plan is to walk the circuit of Derwentwater.

Armed with a flask of coffee and some sandwiches, we head off across the fields, to the village of Portinscale at the head of the lake, then following along the lake toward Manesty and Grange.

This side of the lake is much quieter than the Keswick shore, there are fewer houses and the road is much smaller, but most of our route is off the road in any case. We fail to spot any wildlife, not even a squirrel! Our Indian tracker skills are clearly lacking.

We  do hear a woodpecker, making the familiar tap tap tap noise as it pecks at a tree trunk, but although I wait quietly, as Kathleen marches on, I fail to actually see it!

As we approach Manesty, the path runs close to the shore again, and I take the opportunity to try some artistic shots, I leave it to you to judge the degree of success.

It is lunch time and we find a fallen tree to sit on and have our sandwiches and a hot drink. We are only yards from the Keswick to Borrowdale road, but this is the view from our picnic site and not a person in sight.

Unfortunately, it remains cold and overcaste.

But, as we head back along the lake shore, past Lodore and toward Keswick, the cloud begins to break up, and we even see a little blue sky.

But, the brightness does not last, and soon we have cloud again, although it does produce some dramatic sky scenes.

After just a little short of ten miles, we retire to the pub to warm ourselves infront of the fire.

The first of February, and as I clear away the breakfast dishes, the sun is shining. It looks as if it is going to be a beautiful day, so the decision is taken, we are going to do a walk which involves climbing Latrigg.

There are several routes.

We have chosen a one which takes us through Fitz Park, to the old railway station and then along the old railway line, before crossing the River Greta.

Passing under the A66, and then following the opposite bank of the river through a beautiful wooded area, which I think is called Brundleholm Woods.

The climb is slow and steady,

until we are high above the river,

then on through the woods, an easy route to follow, there are not too many options!

Eventually, we emerge from the woods, into brilliant sunshine,

with sweeping views on our right.

and now a choice or which way to go, we must turn right, up the hill,

and over the stile, and up and up.

almost at the top, and a pause for breath, with the excuse of taking a photograph!

and eventually, we are on top of the world, well, on top of Latrigg that is, and at since it is a 1292 foot climb, that will do for me. 

This would be a prime spot to have lunch, but, despite the sunshine, it is freezing cold, with a brisk wind blowing from the east.

So, we descend a little, and find a handy picnic spot, in the sun, and with a tree trunk as a seat and table combined,

but with superb all round views.

So, on down, back to Fitz Park, and after 7 miles, Kathleen is ready to partake of a cream scone.

So, it is off to Brysons's cake shop, coffee and a cream scone for her, hot chocolate and a pice of "sly cake" for me.

Another good day.

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