Monday 15 March 2010

Monday 15th March 2010

Started to repair the fence and cut down brambles around the remnants of the greenhouse. To call it a greenhouse is somewhat misleading, it is an aluminium frame with a few panes of glass remaining. It is also almost totally overgrown with brambles.

I should really have taken a "before" photograph.

Armed with a pair of secateurs I attacked the brambles with enthusiasm. Despite removing enough to make two heaps at least a meter high, it is still an overgrown jungle. I think I have underestimated the size of this task.

More complements from passing fellow allotment holders, on our progress, so this bouys up the spirits.

The following video (I am told) lasts for three hours! I have not watched it all myself yet, but I am told it provides an idiots guide to Economics. So if there is nothing on TV, it may amuse and even educate.

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