Tuesday 2 March 2010

Tuesday 2nd March 2010

Another beautiful day, can it last?

Took the opportunity of the fine weather to begin some preparation on the Campervan. This used up most of the morning. The walking had to be postponed until after lunch, it was combined with a trip to Jarrow to begin stocking up on provisions for our next campervan trip. So an easy walk to Jarrow, not so easy walking back with a backpack full of jars of curry.

The McCaffery perchant for exact timings (and I mean exact), was observed again, when we got home and I asked "how long did that take", the answer was 48 minutes. Wouldn't 50 minutes have been near enough, or even a straight hour. Tell me is it me? 

Political Donations

It is clear that all three of the major parties have people making donations for whatever reason, remember Cash for Honours with Tony?

Now we have revelations about Lord Ashcroft giving lots of cash to The Conservatives, but not paying taxes in the UK.

I suppose we can expect Labour to make a lot of this, it is good mud slinging stuff and is disgraceful of course, but wait, what about these eight Labour donors, who are all thought to be avoiding their responsibilities in the tax paying area:

 Lord Paul – £69,250 in donations to Labour, including £45,000 to Gordon Brown’s leadership campaign

Lakshmi Mittal - £4.125 million in donations to Labour.

Sir Ronald Cohen  - £2.55 million in donations to Labour. Cohen was appointed chair of the Social Investment Taskforce, which was announced by the then Chancellor, Gordon Brown. A real Labour supporter who was a Lib Dem, but then switched to Labour in Tony Blair's era.

Sir Christopher Ondaatje  - £1.7 million in donations to Labour.

Sir Gulam Noon - £532,826 in donations to Labour.

William Bollinger  - £510,725 in donations to Labour.

Mahmoud Khayami - £985,000 in donations to Labour including £5,000 to Hazel Blears’ deputy leadership campaign.

Dr David Potter - £90,000 in a donation to Labour.

Perhaps CCHQ need to get the old "Freedom of Information" applications going, unless of course they would ALL rather this just quietly died?

Election Posters

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