Tuesday 16 March 2010

Tuesday 16th March 2010

A very mild day at 10C, but cloudy.

The milder weather is clearly bringing the allotment holders out, today the place was a hive of activity with bonefires and rotovators going all over the place.

I renewed the fight against the brambles.

Yesterday I was beginning to think I would never get through the tangle of thorny stems, but today, refreshed, I eventually got the better of them! I should have had a before photograph, but as you can see here, the fence is repaired and not a blackberry bush in sight.
I have even cleared all of the rubbish from behind the shed, there was a mini mountain of rubbish and some old window frames in among the undergrowth. The fence is re-erected. We are running a bit short on decent wooden planks now. I have utilised some of the large black plastic "things" which were being used to cover the ground to suppress the weeds. Since we are progressing steadily with the "turning over", there is no longer a need for so many covering sheets.
There is still a bit of clearing up to do, and a bit more clearing of brambles to prevent them from just growing back again. But after yesterdays defeatist thoughts I feel like I am winning.

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