Sunday 26 December 2010

Friday 24 December 2010

Wednesday 22 December 2010

21/12/2010 - 22/12/2010, Snow, Vince Cable, Free Speech, Gordon's Achievements

Still the snow and freezing temperatures continue. There was some "expert" on TV News today, saying is was reduced activity on the Sun causing a mini ice age. So much for Global Warming. I suppose we are still to blame for it, it must be all of those people going to Spain for their holidays and using all of the sunshine up.

Vince Cable exposes himself as the shallow little weed he is, boasting of his "power" to a couple of under cover journalists posing as giggling slappers. How pathetic, hope he does better on Come Dancing.

Topically, given the snow outside, we have a little warning about Climate Change (have you noticed it is now called Climate Change and not Global Warming):

Or, same video, different message

and definately the best of Gordon Brown:

Monday 20 December 2010

18/12/2010 - 20/12/2010 Snow, Harrier Jump Jets, Brian Hanrahan

The snow returns.

This time it is southern England which gets the worst of it, and both Heathrow and Gatwick collapse under the strain. The Television News is filled with pictures of people stranded and sleeping on floors as if they were refugees in some third world country.

We have snow, but it is only about 1" - 2" deep. It is bitterly cold however.

Felt I had to put food out for the birds, in the back garden, I even sacrificed some of my peanuts and raisens for them, and that is a major sacrifice!

But, much to my disgust, most of the food was eaten by these greedy pigeons, which definately do not look under nourished to me, in fact they look as if they would make a decent pigeon pie!

The poor little sparrows and blue tits were left to forage for the leftovers.

Went to the "Stags Head", to deliver Christmas presents and more food to Anthony, I thought there might have been a nice cheerful fire on, given the weather, but no such luck, it was almost as cold inside as out. To cap it all my bus did not turn up, and I had to get a different one, meaning a longer walk in the snow and cold.

The end of an era, Brian Hanrahan died today. One of his best remembered reports I am sure is the "I counted them all out, and I counted them all back" comments about the Harrier Fighter planes in the Falklands war. The Harriers themselves came to an end of course just a few days ago.

We are an amazing country, we had a forty year (yes thats right, 40) lead in vertical take off technology, and we have managed to fail to capitalise on it, only we could achieve that.

Saturday 18 December 2010

16/12/2010 - 17/12/2010 Technology, Drugs

If you have a credit or debit card, dont we all?, here is a little item to give you sleepless nights:

Now, I am about to say something I never ever thought I would say, and that is "Bob Ainsworth has said something remotely sensible". I simply did not think it possible, but he has said it, make all drugs legal.

It must be obvious to everyone by now, that, just as the Americans found with prohibition of Alcohol in the 1920's, prohibition of drugs is just not working and will never work. All we are succeding in doing is making some criminals very very rich. 

Portugal has apparently legalised drugs, without the country becoming a cesspit, so why don't we give it a try.

Never mind the prescription idea proposed by Bob, just package the stuff as we do for tobacco, and make it freely available, complete with taxes of course, just like tobacco and alcohol.

Friday, I have the flu, well, what men call flu, a bit of a cold if you are a woman. So I do what all sensible men do and stay in bed for the day. No soldiering on, no moaning about how dreadful I feel etc, just go to bed and stay there, no trouble to anyone.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

13/12/2010 - 14/12/2010 Sunderland, Greggs, Electric Cars, Media


The week starts well.

Harriet Harman wants to open Post Office Branches all over Africa so her constituents can collect their benifits more easily.

Teresa May is considering banning Terry Jones from entering the UK.

Who is he I hear you say, exactly, just ignore him and no one will ever even know he was here, but no by banning him, or threatening to, we give him publicity.

The big news is the Stocholm suicide bomber, and his possible links with Luton. It is clear the "Authorities" have no idea of his comming and goings, despite their databases. More evidence, if any were needed, of our porous borders.

I must admit the only thing which interests me is which benifits were he, his wife, and children getting, whilst he was travelling back and forth between here and Sweden. I wonder did we provide the tickets too?

The BBC website tells us:

"Meanwhile, British police have been searching Abdaly's house in Luton. His wife and children are reported to live in the UK, although their exact whereabouts are not known"

Just trace where the benifits are going and you will find them Sherlock.

I reluctantly agree to go Christmas shopping.

As if that is not bad enough, we go to Sunderland. It is the city which time forgot, one of the most depressing places you can ever go.

Why are there so many branches of Greggs there?


The price of electric cars is to be subsidised by £5000, by the "Government", ie us tax payers.

A little video about the Nissan Leaf, courtesy of the BBC website.

It may not save the planet, but I suppose it will keep people employed at Nissan's Sunderland Factory, and hence may help brighten up that blighted place.

Realistically, these things are not going to catch on until the range is increased to something sensible (like 300 miles) and/or the charging time is reduced from the current 8 hours to about 8 minutes.

At present the 100 mile range and 8 hour re-charge time mean they would only be suitable for short journeys about town, but at £29,000 who can afford to have one as a runabout?

The video makes much of their "carbon free" credentials, but that of course is only if you ignore the power stations necessary to generate the electricity to charge them. They even had to build a whole new Electricity Sub Station (or whatever they are called), to power the plant making the batteries at the the Sunderland Factory.

As with most things, I am sure they will work eventually.

It is our habit to try to get some exercise, in the form of walking or cycling, everyday. Today is no exception and we set off for our daily walk, desptite the not very promising weather.

About five minutes into our walk, Kathleen realises we have not bought any gift tags for Christmas presents, "so what" I hear you say. Our plans are changed and doing our bit for the environment we decide to walk to Jarrrow and get the bus back.

Needless to say, once we have reached the point of no return, it begins to pour with icy rain, and we both get thoroughly soaked, but Kathleen is happy, she gets her gift tags for 99p and a new brush for the washing up (21p). So with this added spurt to the UK economy we head for the bus.

The evening is taken up with St Bedes Carol Concert, an enjoyable event as always. They are even famous enought to have some of their music for sale on Amazon.

As usual, Google comes up with information on St Bedes the church, and the surrounding area.

Sunday 12 December 2010

09/12/2010 - 11/12/2010 Tesco and Snow, Nemo Cake

Tesco continue to be unable to deliver the goods, literaly.

It turns out, according to them, my parcel is stuck in Droitwich, Worcestershire, where to the best of my knowledge there has been no more than a dusting of snow.

Now they have sent me a new tracking number so that I can "track" my delivery online, problem is it is clearly the wrong number, because all it tells me is "the tracking number does not match your post code".

Don't you just love technology.

For lovers of Father Ted:

Friday, and still no parcel, Tesco are clearly not upto the job. Today they even sent me an online questionaire, reference my recent purchase. I looked forward to expressing my dissatisfaction, but the questionnaire did not work, oh joy!

Saturday, the thaw continues, we have hardly any snow now, isn't the English weather amazing, 24 hours ago we had 12" of snow lying on the ground, today just a few stray heaps of dirty snow.

Dana has been exercising her cake making skills, for Daniel's Christening tomorrow (Sunday 12th Dec).

She is incredibly good at these things and, given his obsession with Nemo, has made a Nemo themed cake, quite amazing.

I hope it tastes as good as it looks, based on past experience I am sure it will.

I included these photographs, because I was impressed (yet again) by Dana's cake making skills, this of course led to mentioning the Christening, and made me recall that it is at St Johns Church, Westerhope.

That led to my speculative search on Goolge for "St Johns Church Westerhope", which gave me this website, which gives an excellent overview of Westerhope.

I know an earlier post pointed out that Google does not have all of the answers, but you have to be impressed by those it does have!.

Nemo must be the cartoon character of the moment, because Gabriel has a Nemo themed bedroom!

Parcel arrived from Tesco, only four days late, so I can stop moaning about that now.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

05/12/2010 - 08/12/2010 Quantitive Easing Explained

An amusing explanation of "Quantitive Easing", ie politicians speak for printing money.

Sunday, we acquire a travel cot (on loan), so Daniel or Gabriel will not have to bring their own if visiting for an overnight stay.

Monday is a productive day, spend the morning shopping for foodstuffs for Anthony, and in the afternoon, walk to Jarrow in the snow, it is a beautiful crisp winters day.

We visit brother-in-law, Kevin, who has recently had his second knee replacement operation. Decide to leave when the district nurse arrives to remove the staples holding the wound closed, I don't like blood and gore, not even someone elses!

Walk from Jarrow to Fellgate. While in Jarrow we had picked up an Argos catalogue, I can now tell you they are bloody heavy after you have carried one for a few miles! We visit sister-in-law Val, who has recently  left hospital after a hernia operation. We are quite the visitors of the sick today.

By the time we walk home from Fellgate, the sun has gone down and it is bloody freezing.

Wednesday, and still the snow is here. No more has fallen now for about 24 hours, but nor has any of it melted.

Scotland is paralysed.

Here South Tyneside Council cannot empty the dustbins, because it is not safe to bring their refuse wagons out, and Tesco Direct have failed to deliver my purchases. However, full marks to IKEA, they managed to deliver to a neighbour using a 10ton truck. Perhaps their Swedish connections helped.

In the meantime, I am so bored waiting in for Tesco to deliver, and avoiding Coronation Street, I am reduced to trawling the internet for amusement, hence:

Sunday 5 December 2010

03/12/2010 - 04/12/2010 Christmas Fun, Blocked Roads

Another 3" of snow last night, and this morning it is reputedly -10C, certainly feels much colder than it has for the past eight days of snow.

I go to the trouble of clearing the drive yet again, and putting the wheelie bins out to be emptied, not that I am confident of seeing refuse collectors anytime soon!

The sky is absolutely clear, and bright blue we have a flock of about 12 gold finches are feeding on the conifer tree at the end of the drive, goodness knows what they are finding to eat in this freezing weather.

One of our regular Christmas events is to attend the annual "Christmas Do" at St Josephs, the church Kathleen attends. One of the stalwarts of the organisers, Denzil, always arranges (if that is the right word) a rendition of "The 12 Days of Christmas", in which each table are given a verse to "sing".

I noticed this little video on  Patently Rubbish's blog, in which Christmas comes to the Food Court of a Shopping Centre, not that the efforts at St Joseph Christmas Party, are nearly so professional:

Not quite so festive but never-the-less topical:

Nicked from "Grumpy Old TW**" website , but very appropriate all the same as we slip and slide out of our estate, with not a sign of any attempt by the Local Council, to clear any of the 12" of snow which blankets the streets.
Touching on a whole host of recent happenings, from the effect of public spending "cuts" on front line services vs Diversity Outreach Coordinators to David Cameron's Happiness review,  there is lots of reading here, which all makes a lot of sense to me.

Saturday, and the Metro between Pelaw and South Shields is not running, the same as last Saturday. They are doing "Essential Maintenance", why choose one of the Saturday's leading up to Christmas?, South Shields is already dying, without cutting off the transport links too.

I get a lift to South Shields to visist the Stag's Head, with son Anthony. The pub is much busier than usual, but the rest of the town looks it's usual desolate self. On the return journey, I miss the bus to Boldon, so take the "metro replacement" bus, which takes me on a meandering route, to Heworth, so that I can get the metro home.

Finally a couple of festive photograph for today, Gabriel after his first visit to a Christmas parade in Windsor, although by now, it looks as if they have retired to the warmth of a coffee shop.


Thursday 2 December 2010

01/12/2010 - 02/12/2010 Wikileaks, FIFA, World Cup, SNOW

Wednesday 1st December, we attempt to get the Metro to Newcastle, Christmas shopping, what joy. The snow has disrupted the Metro, signals are frozen or some such rubbish. We take the car. The upside is, hardly anyone has made it, so parking is easy, and the shops are empty. Not such jolly news for the retailers of course.

Thursday, still snowing. In between falls, I clear the drive yet again.

The snow continues, as if that is not bad enough, the news is consumed by:

  • The weather, well the snow
  • Wikileaks
  • Englands World Cup Bid
We are getting daily reports from Longhorsley in Northumberland. Now it is a very nice place, with an equally nice pub, but it is hardly remote, it is located on an "A" road (A697), and is only about 7 miles north of Morpeth.

I can only assume that a staff member from BBC Newcastle lives there, hence the interest.

Wikileaks, was boring to begin with, is anyone surprised to hear that diplomats spend a lot of their time engaged in tittle-tattle?. Plus big surprise Prince Andrew thinks the Yanks know nothing of Geography, and the French are quite happy to bung a bribe to win a lucrative arms deal. That is what we all think, and I would have thought he (Prince Andrew) has just gone up in most peoples esteem for thinking likewise. So what if he launched a patriotic, expletive laden tirade in front of some American "diplomat", they export their expletive laden films and TV programs to us, so they can just take it for once.

Now we hear that Julian Assange, the founder of wikileaks is "in hiding" and in fear of assination attempts, has anyone (other than his mother perhaps) noticed his absence I wonder?

FIFA and the World Cup, oh the worry in case our free press (Panorama) have upset FIFA and they take their ball home.

Do we really want to stage the World Cup, given our performance this year?

We will probably be knocked out in the first round, and then have to be nice to all of those teams left in, it would be just our luck if Scotland won it or worse still Wales.