Wednesday 8 December 2010

05/12/2010 - 08/12/2010 Quantitive Easing Explained

An amusing explanation of "Quantitive Easing", ie politicians speak for printing money.

Sunday, we acquire a travel cot (on loan), so Daniel or Gabriel will not have to bring their own if visiting for an overnight stay.

Monday is a productive day, spend the morning shopping for foodstuffs for Anthony, and in the afternoon, walk to Jarrow in the snow, it is a beautiful crisp winters day.

We visit brother-in-law, Kevin, who has recently had his second knee replacement operation. Decide to leave when the district nurse arrives to remove the staples holding the wound closed, I don't like blood and gore, not even someone elses!

Walk from Jarrow to Fellgate. While in Jarrow we had picked up an Argos catalogue, I can now tell you they are bloody heavy after you have carried one for a few miles! We visit sister-in-law Val, who has recently  left hospital after a hernia operation. We are quite the visitors of the sick today.

By the time we walk home from Fellgate, the sun has gone down and it is bloody freezing.

Wednesday, and still the snow is here. No more has fallen now for about 24 hours, but nor has any of it melted.

Scotland is paralysed.

Here South Tyneside Council cannot empty the dustbins, because it is not safe to bring their refuse wagons out, and Tesco Direct have failed to deliver my purchases. However, full marks to IKEA, they managed to deliver to a neighbour using a 10ton truck. Perhaps their Swedish connections helped.

In the meantime, I am so bored waiting in for Tesco to deliver, and avoiding Coronation Street, I am reduced to trawling the internet for amusement, hence:

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