Wednesday 15 December 2010

13/12/2010 - 14/12/2010 Sunderland, Greggs, Electric Cars, Media


The week starts well.

Harriet Harman wants to open Post Office Branches all over Africa so her constituents can collect their benifits more easily.

Teresa May is considering banning Terry Jones from entering the UK.

Who is he I hear you say, exactly, just ignore him and no one will ever even know he was here, but no by banning him, or threatening to, we give him publicity.

The big news is the Stocholm suicide bomber, and his possible links with Luton. It is clear the "Authorities" have no idea of his comming and goings, despite their databases. More evidence, if any were needed, of our porous borders.

I must admit the only thing which interests me is which benifits were he, his wife, and children getting, whilst he was travelling back and forth between here and Sweden. I wonder did we provide the tickets too?

The BBC website tells us:

"Meanwhile, British police have been searching Abdaly's house in Luton. His wife and children are reported to live in the UK, although their exact whereabouts are not known"

Just trace where the benifits are going and you will find them Sherlock.

I reluctantly agree to go Christmas shopping.

As if that is not bad enough, we go to Sunderland. It is the city which time forgot, one of the most depressing places you can ever go.

Why are there so many branches of Greggs there?


The price of electric cars is to be subsidised by £5000, by the "Government", ie us tax payers.

A little video about the Nissan Leaf, courtesy of the BBC website.

It may not save the planet, but I suppose it will keep people employed at Nissan's Sunderland Factory, and hence may help brighten up that blighted place.

Realistically, these things are not going to catch on until the range is increased to something sensible (like 300 miles) and/or the charging time is reduced from the current 8 hours to about 8 minutes.

At present the 100 mile range and 8 hour re-charge time mean they would only be suitable for short journeys about town, but at £29,000 who can afford to have one as a runabout?

The video makes much of their "carbon free" credentials, but that of course is only if you ignore the power stations necessary to generate the electricity to charge them. They even had to build a whole new Electricity Sub Station (or whatever they are called), to power the plant making the batteries at the the Sunderland Factory.

As with most things, I am sure they will work eventually.

It is our habit to try to get some exercise, in the form of walking or cycling, everyday. Today is no exception and we set off for our daily walk, desptite the not very promising weather.

About five minutes into our walk, Kathleen realises we have not bought any gift tags for Christmas presents, "so what" I hear you say. Our plans are changed and doing our bit for the environment we decide to walk to Jarrrow and get the bus back.

Needless to say, once we have reached the point of no return, it begins to pour with icy rain, and we both get thoroughly soaked, but Kathleen is happy, she gets her gift tags for 99p and a new brush for the washing up (21p). So with this added spurt to the UK economy we head for the bus.

The evening is taken up with St Bedes Carol Concert, an enjoyable event as always. They are even famous enought to have some of their music for sale on Amazon.

As usual, Google comes up with information on St Bedes the church, and the surrounding area.

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