Wednesday 7 September 2011

Collect my Motorcycle, September 7th 2011

Having chosen the motorcycle I wanted to buy (Kawasaki ER6-F), on Saturday last, I of course wanted it immediately, at the very least, on Moday.

But as always, it was not to be, the bike had to be "checked over", serviced etc etc. Why is it that dealers (both bike and car), leave the final preparation until after you have said you will buy, rather than doing it before hand?

The promised delivery day was Friday (9th), but with a bit of pleading on my part, this was brought forward to today, Wednesday 7th.

Kathleen kindly bought me an early birthday present, in the form of a Motor Cycle jacket from Hein Gericke. It is very smart, and makes me look like a real motorcyclist!

Given that I already have Helmet and Gloves, I now have the basics. Suitable motor cycle pants are inhand, this leaves boots to be aquired, but in the short term I can manage with the old pair of walking boots, I used whilst learning.

Pick-up is arranged for 13:00, and Kathleen gives me a lift to Newcastle, thus saving me the dubious pleasure of travelling to Newcastle on the Metro, dressed in my motor cycle "gear".

The bike is all ready to go, when we arrive, Alan (the Salesman), gives me a full tour of the controls, and off I go, launched into the Newcastle traffic.

I am very pleased with the bike, it looks brand new, despite the fact it is three years old. It has done only 3780 miles, unlike the driving school bike which had done almost 30,000 hard miles, plus at 650cc, it is 150cc bigger. The result, as I see it as I ride off, is, it is very "sharp", throttle, clutch and brakes are all hair trigger responsive. This is recommended as a beginners bike, so I shudder to think what it must be like to ride a Super Sports job, best not think about it.

I manage to negotiate the Quayside, and across the Swing Bridge, without making a fool of myself. Kathleen follows at a respectful distance, and we even make a detour to call at Jarrow, Kevin and Maria's, (here we have a much needed cup of tea), and then home.

The weather is not kind, windy, and constantly threatening to rain.

But, I cannot resist a ride out, to familiarise myself with the controls, so, off I go for a run along the coast at South Shields.

I manage to resist the urge to park at Minchella's on the sea front, and join the "coffee bar cowboys" who are always in attendance there, drinking coffee, and admiring their motorcycles! 

Even if I say so myself (well, there is only me on the bike), I feel I am getting the hang of it, another few rides, and I should have it cracked.

I keep asking myself, "how did I end up here", I started with the intention of learning to ride a 100cc motor scooter, and somehow that morphed in a Direct Access course on a 500cc machine, and now I am riding around on a 650cc bike.

Great fun, I would recommend it.

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