Saturday 2 January 2010

26th December 2009

Christmas Day

Peace and goodwill to all men.. ha ha

Main news today is of a 23 year old Nigerian national who (allegedly) attempted to blow up an airplane enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit. He apparently had the explosives sewn into his underpants. This would appear to suggest that the lure of numerous virgins in paradise has been abandoned. Not much point if you have blown your equipment off, is there lads.

For once the British Authorities seem to have been on the ball, and had apparently refused him a visa to enter the UK as a "student".

So now we have the usual knee jerk reaction from the politicians, as they lift their noses from the trough to reassure us. We will have full body scanners installed at airports. One way or another these will be paid for by us, either in increased taxes, or increased costs of flying, probably both. But Muslim women will be exempted, since their sensibilities may be offended. No potential bomber of course will think of dressing up in the full garb to avoid the body scanner.

As Victor would say “I do not believe it…”

Enjoy you Christmas Pudding everyone... I am just off to check which company makes those all over body scanners, this can't do their shares any harm, oh the joys of capitilism

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