Friday 15 January 2010

Friday 15th January 2010

The good news is the snow is melting, the bad news is it is dismal, grey, cold and raining heavily, how I hate January.

But realistically it could be much, much worse. In Haiti there was an earthquake a couple of days ago, with many people dead and survivors suffering terribly. Unfortunately I think worse is to come as world leaders pledge to "help" them, we all know what happens to anything Gordon touches.

Had to visit Jarrow town centre today (not something you do from choice). There was an elderly lady standing in the freezing cold collecting on behalf of the Salvation Army. Felt duty bound to contribute, you have to recognise when you are well off, there are so many people in the world worse off than we are here in the UK, so we should not complain (but of course being human we do).

No cycling again today, due to the weather.

Made a significant decision today, and ended my working relationship with Souter Trading after some 17 years. This was a very difficult decision, not only because it means giving up some income, but because I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the people there. There are the stalwarts Christopher, Deryk, Lola and Linda, plus there have been a number of students, temps etc, who have all been good fun. There will be some hand over time of course, but essentially this is it workwise. I hope we can maintain some social contact.

The day was rounded off by another magificent meal (and drinks of course), courtesy of our friends Joan & Bryan. Returned home stuffed to the gills with their home cooking, in particular Joan's desserts. Yes thats right, she usually prepares no less than two, and I (being a pig) have some of each!

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