Sunday 3 January 2010

January 2nd 2010

The war of words heats up as the leaders of the main parties try to drag our attention away from enjoying ourselves to convincing us we should vote for them in the comming General Election. "Call me Dave" even reminds us there at most 154 days to go, in much the same way that retailers remind us how many more shopping days there are to Christmas.

Cameron tells us he wants to "devolve" more power to local authorities. Hmm.. geat idea, just hope he is going to give them a good kicking first and get them on track doing what they are supposed to be doing, instead of filling their diversity quotas and paying themselves generous salaries and inflation proof pensions.

Given that local elections have even lower turn outs than general elections, less than 40% is typical, so if we assume that the winning councillors get 90% of the vote, we have people who are elected with only 36% of the population voting for them, and we feel entitled to criticise other countries systems of government (eg Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan)... interesting

Newspapers are in decline we are told, perhaps our local paper will act bravely, and run a series of articles investigating Local Councillors expenses and Council waste, I suspect it would make interesting reading.

New stealth taxes are announced as:

"Motorists in England and Wales fined for minor offences face having to pay bigger penalties under a government scheme to compensate victims of crime. Since 2007, a £15 surcharge has been added to the fines of all people convicted of a crime, to raise money for support services for crime victims. Now ministers want to extend the scheme to on-the-spot fines and fixed penalty notices for a range of offences. They say the offences that could be targeted are not victimless crimes"

so presumably the "victims" of people overstaying their time in a "pay and display" car park are those of us who cannot find a parking space, does that mean we will get compensation?

Don't rush out and spend it!, you just know it is going to be spent on another army of public sector employees to "administer" the system and boost Gordon's turkey army of capitive voters.

And finally a bit of light relief, check these two out for a laugh:

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