Saturday 9 January 2010

January 9th 2010

The snow continues, I carry out my morning ritual of clearing the snow, which fell last night. I am running out of space to stack it now and there is at least 8" (20cm) lying on the ground. Even on the road, where the snow is hard packed, the layer must be at least 2" deep.

Called to visit Martin, since it is his birthday today. Not that you would know it, there he is busily washing pots and pans from breakfast (which no doubt he cooked), whilst the three women in his life busy themselves in deciding which hat and socks to wear when they go out sledging. 

On the News they are saying the country is about to run out of salt to treat the roads, the Government are stepping in to "organise" rationing. Heaven help us, since we know that anything they touch turns to sh*t. Lord Adonis (another of our unelected leaders) has it in hand I am sure. If he is as good at managing Salt distribution as he is at evading election contests we have no need to worry.

Super Gordon has survived the latest attempt to replace him, (no doubt ably assisted by the Prince of Darkness) and now we have Alistair Darling telling us we are in for the biggest public spending cuts in 20 years. Does this herald a new phase in the Election Campaign I wonder?, will each party now be falling over themsleves to tell us how they will cut more and more, untill eventually they are not spending any of OUR money.

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