Monday 4 January 2010

January 4th 2010

Now in the third week we still have snow, frozen hard now. This must be the first time in thirty years we have had snow lie for so long here in South Shields, according to my memory. Pleased I don't have to go to work today (sorry to gloat, those who do). It is cold and crisp, so we have a leisurely stroll in the snow, got to start working off some of the Christmas over indulgence.

It is time to take down the Christmas decorations (pleased about that), yes bah humbug I know, but at least we are back to normality.

The false promise machine grinds on (ie general election campaign):

"Mr Cameron also promised to introduce a 'health premium' targeting (NHS) spending at more deprived areas.", excuse me but isn't that what used to be called a "post code lottery" when patients were treated differently depending on where they lived?

Alistair Darling tells us "The Tories have a credibility gap of £34bn", did he think before he spoke?, I bet he would be pleased to have a credibility gap of only £34billion.

No need to mention the Lib-Dem joke machine.

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