Friday 29 January 2010

Friday 29th January 2010

A bright and sunny day, but windy and absolutely freezing cold, even a few flakes of snow blowing about on the wind.

Undeterred, I still join the cycling group, setting off from Monkton Stadium, at 13:00.

I say "Group", but that is putting it a bit strong. There is only one person turns up (in addition to me), so including Mark, that makes a group of three. Talk about fairweather cyclists!

We go through the Pedestrian / Cycle tunnel at Jarrow, then past Wallsend and into the Rising Sun Country Park, back along the waggonways (now converted to cycle tracks), through Silverlink and Percy Main, to Royal Quays, then back through the Tunnel and return to Monkton Stadium.

I forgot to ask Mark how far we had gone, but my guess is about 12 miles.

This is the first time for about six weeks I have got my two cycling sessions in, a combination of Christmas Holidays, weather and having a cold, prevented me from attending, so having done two fairly brisk sessions this week, I am a little tired. Still think I shall make it to the Grey Horse tonight.

Stoat or Weasel

During our walk near Brancepeth, just over a week ago (20/01/2010), we spotted what we thought was a Stoat or Weasel running across the path in front of us. I expressed the opinion that Stoat and Weasel are two words for the same animal. But Phil thought they were two different animals. I was tasked with finding out, from the all knowing Internet. I forgot all about it until Phil reminded me on Wednesdsay last.

Well, Phil was right, and I was wrong. After reading the information in the link above, I still don't know which one we saw, but since the weasel is the slightly smaller of the two, I err towards thinking we saw a weasel!

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