Thursday 25 February 2010

Thursday 25th February 2010

A dismal day weatherwise, dull. damp and cold.

Did some more work at Martin's allotment.

Finished digging to the point where we agreed we would expect to cultivate this year, which I would say means we have dug over about two thirds of the total.

Began to sort wood to seperate out the "good" stuff, and to burn some of the rubbish, with the additional intention of burning off the weed cover in the uncultivated part.

When I arrived I disturbed some little animal which has taken up residence under one of the black plastic covers we have been using to suppress the weeds. It moved too quickly to get a good view, but it was quite small (say four to five centimetres long) and a sort of reddish brown colour. Some kind of mouse or vole I would expect. Not a mole because I think they are grey?

Plenty of evidence (ie droppings) that the rabbits have been out and about again, so getting some netting or wire mesh before any planting is done seems like a good idea.

Forgot to take camera, so no progress shots, sorry...

Swine Flu

Why did we order 132 million doses of Swine Flu  vaccine. The total population is less than 70 million. Expecting a sudden influx of Asylum Seekers from Calais were we?


A dubious accolade for Coca Cola, it is the most littered brand, according to a recent survey by an organisation called "Litter Heroes".

In fairness, Litter Heroes do acknowledge it is the person who drops the litter who is to blame, not the manufacturer or seller of the product.

This does not stop them urging us to write to Coca Cola, Macdonalds etc etc, which I think is a little unfair. As far as I know, neither organisation actually employ people to throw empty Cola tins, or fast food containers in the street or countryside.

If you feel moved to follow the lead proposed by Litter Heros, and actually clear some of it up, then beware, you may get your hands smacked by your local council.

Election Posters

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